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10 Essential Office Hygiene Practices

Bring "10 Essential Office Hygiene Practices" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

10 Steps to Healthy Working

Bring "10 Steps to Healthy Working" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Abuse of Dominant Position

Bring "Abuse of Dominant Position" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Abuse of Dominant Position

Companies in a dominant economic position can be penalised heavily if they are found to be abusing their market power to impose unfair prices or hurt their competitors.

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Abuse of Position

Bring "Abuse of Position" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Abuse of Position

Abuse of position is a type of fraud that employees can commit, sometimes inadvertently, when they use their position at the Company for their personal gain.

Advising customers on cybersecurity

Bring "Advising customers on cybersecurity" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Agency Worker Regulations

Bring "Agency Worker Regulations" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Anti-Bribery Training

Despite a worldwide effort to eradicate bribery, it is still prevalent in many countries and presents a real risk for businesses.

Anti-Competitive Agreements

Any agreement between companies that restricts market competition is a criminal offence.

Anti-Competitive Agreements

Bring "Anti-competitive Agreements" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Anti-Money Laundering

To prevent the proceeds of crime from finding their way into the formal economy, most countries have extremely tough laws with severe penalties.

Anti-Money Laundering & Counter-Terrorist Financing

To prevent criminal activity, nearly all countries in the world have committed themselves to extremely tough laws against money laundering and terrorist financing.

Appropriate Use of Communication Channels

Not all communication channels are appropriate for business purposes.

Authorised Push Payment Fraud

Bring "Authorised Push Payment Fraud" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

BCOBS - General Standards

The FCA Banking Conduct of Business Sourcebook (BCOBS) applies to all firms that accept deposits from banking customers in the UK.

Bribery Prevention

Despite a worldwide effort to eradicate bribery, it is still prevalent in many countries and presents a real risk for businesses.

Bribery Prevention

Despite a worldwide effort to eradicate bribery, it is still prevalent in many countries and presents a real risk for businesses.

Bring Your Own Device Security

Bring "Bring Your Own Device Security" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Business Continuity Management

Despite the best risk management efforts, some events will be beyond your control, and your Company needs to plan for them accordingly.

Business Email Compromise

Bring "Business Email Compromise" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Business Ethics and Integrity

Our Business Ethics and Integrity Course is designed to raise employee awareness and understanding, offering practical examples mirroring real-world ethical dilemmas.

Business Travel Risk

Business travel risk management is fundamental for organisational resilience and business continuity management.


Bring "Cartels" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

CASS 5 - Client Money - Insurance Distribution Activity

CASS rules apply to money belonging to all clients.

CASS Overview

The FCA's Client Assets Sourcebook (CASS) supports Principle 10 of the FCA's Principles for Businesses.

Categories of Risk

Bring "Categories of Risk" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

CEO fraud

Bring "CEO fraud" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

COBS - Client Categorisation

The Conduct of Business Sourcebook (COBS) applies to financial firms in the UK that deal with client investments.

COBS - Client Communications and Financial Promotions

The Conduct of Business Sourcebook (COBS) applies to financial firms in the UK that deal with client investments.

COBS - Dealing and Managing

The FCA Conduct of Business Sourcebook (COBS) applies to financial firms in the UK.

Code of Conduct

Every company expects its employees to meet the highest professional standards, to act ethically and with integrity.

Common Cyber Threats

Bring "Common Cyber Threats" online training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Competition Law

Anti-competitive agreements are rarely formalised.

Complaints Handling for Managers

One of the three operational objections of the FCA is to protect consumers.

Complaints Handling in Financial Services

The FCA has identified that the number of complaints submitted in the financial services sector has increased year on year in recent times in the UK.

Complaints Handling in Insurance

The number of complaints submitted in the Insurance sector has increased year on year in recent times in the UK.

Compliments vs Sexual Harassment

Bring "Compliments vs Sexual Harassment" compliance training to life using animation characters and storylines.

CONC - Consumer Credit Regulations

The FCA's Consumer Credit sourcebook (CONC) applies to all firms engaged in credit-related regulatory activities in the UK.

Conduct Risk

The FCA focuses on good customer outcomes and how a firm achieves this through staff conduct at all levels of the business.

Conduct Rules for Non-Executive Directors (NEDs)

NEDs are an important part of a firm's governance and provide independence and oversight.

Conduct Rules for Senior Managers at Dual Regulated Firms

Under the Senior Managers Regime, all senior managers must comply with the FCA's six Individual Conduct Rules (ICRs) and four Senior Managers Rules (SMRs).

Conduct Rules for Senior Managers at FCA Solo Firms

Under the Senior Managers Regime, all senior managers must comply with the FCA's six Individual Conduct Rules (ICRs) and four Senior Managers Rules (SMRs).

Conduct Rules for Senior Managers at Insurance Firms

Under the Senior Managers Regime, all senior managers must comply with the FCA's six Individual Conduct Rules (ICRs) and four Senior Managers Rules (SMRs).

Conflicts of Interest

Many conflicts of interest may affect companies, from gifts and hospitality to self-dealing and external work.

Conflicts of Interest in Asset Management

The FCA outlines its expectations that asset management firms establish and maintain an effective framework to identify, control and review conflicts of interest.

Conflicts of Interest in Insurance

A conflict of interest is where competing interests interfere with the exercising of judgement in a relationship.

Contract Certainty

Contract certainty means that each party will know the exact details of a product at the time when it is being sold, without there being any misunderstandings at a later date It was developed in response to regulatory concerns about the 'deals now – details later' culture of the insurance industry.

Corrupt Hiring Practices

Diligence in hiring new employees is no longer limited to education, experience and references.


Bring "COSHH" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Creating Strong Passwords

Bring "Creating Strong Passwords" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Credit Risk

Bring "Credit Risk" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Credit Risk for Financial Firms

Credit risk is a form of financial risk.

Crossing the Line into Sexual Harassment

Bring "Crossing the Line into Sexual Harassment" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Customer Due Diligence

Bring "Customer Due Diligence" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Customer Fraud

Bring "Customer Fraud" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Cyber Risk

Cyber risk has become an increasingly important part of the business landscape that relies on digital technologies to deliver products and services.


Most businesses conduct some or all of their operations using digital media.

Data Protection

Data protection relates to how all organisations collect, use, and store personal and sensitive data.

Data Protection

Data protection relates to how personal and sensitive data is collected, used and stored by all organisations.

Data Protection Impact Assessments

Bring "Data Protection Impact Assessments" online training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Dawn Raids

Bring "Dawn Raids" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Dealing With Stress at Work

Bring "Dealing With Stress at Work" online training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Deepfake Awareness

Bring "Deepfake Awareness" compliance training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Device Hygiene

Bring "Device Hygiene" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a regulatory framework set by the European Union to enhance the cybersecurity and operational resilience of financial institutions.

Direct Discrimination

Bring "Direct Discrimination" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Display Screen Equipment

Bring "Display Screen Equipment" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Although you may feel that you treat people equally, sometimes others perceive your actions differently and lead them to feel uncomfortable or discriminated against.

Don't Deal with Inside Information

Bring "Don't Deal with Inside Information" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Driving at Work

Educate your staff on the controls your Company has in place and what they should do to eliminate or manage the risks when driving at work.


Educate your staff on the controls that your Company has in place and how they can prevent ill-health if they regularly use Display Screen Equipment (DSE) at work.


Educate your staff on the controls that your Company has in place and how they can prevent ill-health if they regularly use Display Screen Equipment (DSE) at work.

Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023

Bring "Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Economic Sanctions

Violation of sanctions issued by the UN, the US and the EU which place restrictions on payments and other financial transactions can result in fines as well as criminal charges.


Bring "Electricity" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Electronic Communications

Emails and instant messages can quickly make headlines, damage reputations and lead to lawsuits.

Embargoes and Sanctions

Embargoes and sanctions prohibit all transactions with an entity, trading of certain commodities, or supplying critical goods.

Employee Fraud and Insider Threats

Bring "Employee Fraud and Insider Threats" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Enhanced Customer Due Diligence

Bring "Enhanced Customer Due Diligence" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Environmental Awareness

Global warming and climate change are the consequences of a build-up of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2).

Environmental Social and Governance (ESG)

ESG has become a 'catch-all' in recent years, describing the extent to which firms consider ethics and stewardship to be a part of how they run their businesses.

Equality and Diversity for Managers

Making employment decisions or treating people differently based on stereotypes isn't just bad for business.

Equality and Diversity in the Workplace

Making employment decisions or treating people differently based on stereotypes isn't just bad for business; it's illegal.

Ethical Standards in Finance and Investment

The FCA's ethical standards apply to individuals in finance and investment.


DAC6 is the new EU Directive that covers cross-border arrangements.

Failing to Disclose Information

Bring "Failing to Disclose Information" compliance training to life using animation characters and storylines.

False Representation

Bring "False Representation" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Financial Crime Prevention

There are two kinds of financial crime.

Financial Crime Prevention

There are two kinds of financial crime.

Financial Crime Prevention (Commercial Insurance)

There are two kinds of financial crime.

Financial Sanctions

Financial and economic sanctions are binding prohibitions applied by governments to prevent business transactions with certain designated persons.


Bring "Fire" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Fire Safety

Educate your staff on the fire safety controls your Company has in place and the measures they need to take to.

First Aid Awareness

Regardless of whether an injury or illness has been caused by work, it is important that employees receive immediate support.

Fit and Proper Assessments

In order to perform a Senior Management Function (SMF), Senior Managers need to be approved by the FCA and, for dual regulated firms, the PRA.

Forced Labour Indicators

Bring "Forced Labour Indicators" online compliance training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Foreign Agent Bribery Risk

Bring "Foreign Agent Bribery Risk" compliance training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Fraud Offences and Penalties

Bring "Fraud Offences and Penalties" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Fraud Prevention

Fraud can have grave consequences for companies, employees, and customers.

Fraud Prevention

Fraud is criminal or deceptive behaviour aiming to secure an unfair or unlawful gain through deliberate or dishonest misrepresentation.

FSCS Deposit Protection

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) safeguards customers' finances.

Fundamentals of Risk Management 1: Introduction to Risk

In order to fully understand the nature of the risks that your company faces, risk needs to be described in terms of events, causes and consequences.

Fundamentals of Risk Management 2: Risk Management

Most companies seek to nurture a healthy risk culture where everyone across the organisation understands their responsibilities for managing risk.

Fundamentals of Risk Management 3: Risk Identification

Risk identification is a process carried out to obtain a holistic view of the risks a company is exposed to.

Fundamentals of Risk Management 4: Risk Appetite

Attitudes to risk can vary considerably across a spectrum of risk-taking.

Fundamentals of Risk Management 5: Risk Assessment

The output of a risk assessment helps determine a firm's risk appetite and approach to risk management.

Fundamentals of Risk Management 6: Risk Treatment

Risk treatment refers to when a firm applies risk controls and other strategies in response to risk.

Fundamentals of Risk Management 7: Risk Monitoring

Risk monitoring is within the broader ecosystem of the risk management process.

Fundamentals of Risk Management 8: Risk Reporting

Risk reporting is the final step in the Management of Risk framework.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Data protection relates to how all organisations collect, use, and store personal and sensitive data.

General Insurance Pricing Practices

The General Insurance Pricing Practices signal a new chapter in the FCA's focus on fairly-priced insurance products which provide real value to customers.

General Office Hygiene

Educate your staff on general office hygiene protocols to reduce common viruses and infections from spreading at the workplace.

Gifts and Hospitality

Gifts and hospitality are an important part of business, and companies worldwide employ this.

Gifts and Hospitality

Bring "Gifts and Hospitality" compliance training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Good Outcomes for Vulnerable Customers

Companies have a legal obligation to identify the signs of vulnerability and ensure that vulnerable individuals are treated fairly.

Guide to Secure Remote Working

Bring "Guide to Secure Remote Working" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Harassment in the Workplace

Conduct that amounts to harassment is not necessarily limited to verbal acts, but it covers a range of behaviour.

Healthy Working

There are risks to your physical and mental health and wellbeing wherever you work.

Healthy Working

There are risks to your physical and mental health and wellbeing wherever you work.

Horizontal Agreements

Bring "Horizontal Agreements" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

ICOBS - Providing Information and Advising

The Insurance Conduct of Business Sourcebook (ICOBS) for Providing Information and Advising applies to insurance intermediaries.

ICOBS General Matters

The Insurance Conduct of Business Sourcebook (ICOBS) for general matters applies to all firms engaged in the insurance business.

Identifying Who is Vulnerable

Bring "Identifying Who is Vulnerable" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Identity Crime

Identity theft involves criminals obtaining and misusing someone's personal data to commit fraud.

Identity Fraud

Bring "Identity Fraud" compliance training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Indirect Discrimination

Bring "Indirect Discrimination" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Information Barriers

The flow of information in financial firms needs monitoring between businesses involved with private and public side activities.

Information Classification

Bring "Information Classification" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Information Security

The security of client and internal information is critical for businesses.

Information Security

The loss or theft of commercially sensitive information may damage revenues, reputation and consumer trust.

Information Security on the Move

Bring "Information Security on the Move" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Insurance Distribution Directives

As it does with any new legislation, the EU Commission conducted a post-implementation check on how the IMD was bedding in, and this review reached the conclusion that there was a need to review and recast the Directive.

Interacting on Social Media

Bring "Interacting on Social Media" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Introduction to SMCR

The UK's financial services sector has been rocked over the past decade by scandals ranging from misselling to market manipulation.

Introduction to the Consumer Duty

The FCA's Consumer Duty is a new standard which addresses the conduct of firms.

Introduction to UK Financial Regulation

NEDs are an important part of a firm's governance and provide independence and oversight.


IR35 rules have extended to apply to all medium-large enterprises.

Lone Working

Lone working offers greater flexibility, autonomy and creates a broader talent pool for businesses.


Bring "Malware" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Managing Absence

Bring "Managing Absence" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Managing Discipline

Bring "Managing Discipline" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Managing Grievances

Bring "Managing Grievances" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Managing Performance

Bring "Managing Performance" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Mandatory Leave

Bring "Mandatory Leave" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Manual Handling

Educate your staff on the controls that your Company has in place and what measures they should implement to reduce the risks when lifting and handling at work.

Manual Handling

Bring "Manual Handling" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Market Abuse Regulation

The laws and regulations prohibiting market abuse apply to all employees, not only those engaged in front-office, client dealing or trading roles.

Market Abuse Regulation

The Market Abuse Regulation prohibits insider dealing, unlawful disclosure of inside information and market manipulation.

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II)

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) originally aimed to increase competition and integration in markets for financial instruments.

MCOB - APRC, Shortfalls and Charges

The Mortgage Conduct of Business (MCOB) for the Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APRC), shortfalls, and charges apply to home finance businesses.

MCOB - General Standards

The Mortgage Conduct of Business (MCOB) for General Standards applies to all firms that deal with home finance.

Meeting the Conduct Rules in Dual Regulated Firms

The Conduct Rules are a fundamental aspect of the SMCR.

Meeting the Conduct Rules in FCA Solo Regulated Firms

The Conduct Rules are a fundamental aspect of the SMCR.

Menopause Awareness

Menopause is a health and safety, wellbeing and equality issue which affects people in different ways.

Menopause Awareness

Bring "Menopause Awareness" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Mental Health at Work

Stress, anxiety and depression are serious health hazards in the workplace.

Mental Health at Work

Bring "Mental Health at Work" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Mental Health at Work for Managers

Stress, anxiety and depression are serious health hazards in the workplace.

Minimum Disclosure Rules

Bring "Minimum Disclosure Rules" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Modern Slavery

Modern slavery is a serious crime with harsh penalties.

Money Laundering Red Flags

Bring "Money Laundering Red Flags" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Multi-factor Authentication

Bring "Multi-factor Authentication" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Neurodiversity Awareness

Bring "Neurodiversity Awareness" online training to life using animation characters and storylines.

New and Expectant Mothers at Work

Bring "New and Expectant Mothers at Work" training to life using animation characters and storylines.


Bring "Noise" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Online Selling Restrictions

Bring "Online Selling Restrictions" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Operational Resilience

The FCA has made operational resilience a requirement for banks, building societies, PRA-designated investment firms, enhanced scope firms and other financial institutions.

Operational Risk

Our Operational Risk Course will help your employees understand companies' common operational risks, including legal and compliance risk, third-party risk and cyber risk.

Operational Risk in Banking

Bring "Operational Risk in Banking" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Operational Risk in Insurance

Bring "Operational Risk in Insurance" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Operational Risk in Investment Firms

Bring "Operational Risk in Investment Firms" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Overview of SM&CR for Dual Regulated Firms

Our SMCR Overview training course will help your employees understand the key steps needed to comply with the regime.

Overview of SM&CR for FCA Solo Firms

Our SMCR Overview training course will help your employees understand the key steps needed to comply with the regime.

Overview of the Consumer Duty

The FCA's Consumer Duty is a new standard which addresses the conduct of firms.

Payment Services Regulations

The Payment Services Regulations (PSRs) 2017 was introduced in 2018 and set the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) in motion.

Personal Conflicts of Interest

The FCA states that a firm must manage conflicts of interest between itself and its customers or other clients.

Personal Data Breaches

Bring "Personal Data Breaches" online training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Personal Protective Equipment

Bring "Personal Protective Equipment" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities

Bring "Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities" training to life using animation characters and storylines.


It's essential for your employees to know what phishing is, how to spot the signs of an attempt and how to protect themselves and your Company.

Politically Exposed Persons

Bring "Politically Exposed Persons" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Preventing Corporate Fraud

Bring "Preventing Corporate Fraud" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Preventing Sexual Harassment

Companies rightly have a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, and violations may lead not only to disciplinary action but also to perpetrator prosecution.

Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers

The new duty to prevent sexual harassment in the UK will be enforceable by employment tribunals, allowing for increased compensation for victims by up to 25% if an employer fails in their duty.

Preventing the Facilitation of Tax Evasion

Tax laws don't only apply to those who calculate or manage taxes.

Preventing the Facilitation of Tax Evasion

Tax laws don't just apply to those who deal with calculating or managing taxes.

Preventing the Facilitation of Tax Evasion

Tax laws don't only apply to those who calculate or manage taxes.

Preventing Tipping Off

Bring "Preventing Tipping Off" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Principles for Businesses

The FCA's Principles for Businesses apply to all financial services firms in the UK regulatory system.


Bring "Ransomware" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Reacting to Password Breaches

Bring "Reacting to Password Breaches" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Records Management

Records management refers to employees' creation, storage, archiving, and disposal of business records.

Resale Price Maintenance

Bring "Resale Price Maintenance" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Responsible Use of Social Media

Social media allows employees to engage, network, and communicate with their colleagues externally with customers, suppliers and partners.

Right to Work in the UK

Bring "Right to Work in the UK" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Risks in the Use of AI

Bring "Risks in the Use of AI" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Safeguarding the Vulnerable

Certain individuals may be unable to care for or protect themselves due to a mental illness or disability, age or other factors.

Screening Employees in Safeguarding Roles

Bring "Screening Employees in Safeguarding Roles" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Secure Web Browsing

Bring "Secure Web Browsing" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Senior Management Arrangements Systems and Controls

The Senior Management Arrangements Systems and Controls (SYSC) Sourcebook apply to authorised financial services firms.

Slips and Trips

Bring "Slips and Trips" online training to life using animation characters and storylines.

SMCR & Non-financial Misconduct

Non-financial misconduct is behaviour that is unrelated to regulated activities, including serious offences such as harassment, bullying, sexual discrimination and sexual misconduct The FCA has indicated it is prepared to consider non-financial misconduct when assessing fitness and propriety.


Bring "Smishing" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Speak Up

Bring "Speak Up" compliance training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Speak Up

It is essential for firms to have a strong speak up culture to ensure that staff raise concerns if they've witnessed misconduct.

Spear Phishing

Bring "Spear Phishing" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Spot a Phishing Attempt

Bring "Spot a Phishing Attempt" online training to life using animation characters and storylines.


Bring "Stereotyping" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Supplier Fraud

Bring "Supplier Fraud" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Supply Chain Cybersecurity

Bring "Supply chain cybersecurity" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Suspicious Activity Reporting

It is your employees' legal duty to report any knowledge or suspicion of financial crime.

Suspicious Activity Reporting

Bring "Suspicious Activity Reporting" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Tailgating and Piggybacking

Bring "Tailgating and Piggybacking" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Targets of Sexual Harassment

Bring "Targets of Sexual Harassment" online training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Terrorist Financing Red Flags

Bring "Terrorist Financing Red Flags" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

The 4D Bystander Intervention Model

Bring "The 4D Bystander Intervention Model" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

The Fraud Triangle

Bring "The Fraud Triangle" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

The Management of Risk Framework

Bring "The Management of Risk Framework" compliance training to life using animation characters and storylines.

The Protected Characteristics

Bring "The Protected Characteristics" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

The Three Characteristics of Harassment

Bring "The Three Characteristics of Harassment" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

The Three Lines of Defence

The Three Lines of Defence Model outlines a systematic approach to help businesses clarify the roles and responsibilities necessary to manage risks.

The Three Lines of Defence Model

Risk management Control environment Risk Risk mitigation Governance Three lines of defence Risk assessment Internal audit Monitoring Compliance.

The Three Stages of Money Laundering

Bring "The Three Stages of Money Laundering" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Think Before You Click

Bring "Think before you click" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Third-Party Risk

Third-party risk is a form of operational risk and includes the risk that arises from relationships with third-party providers such as suppliers, contractors and other business partners.

Tipping Off

Tipping off a person about a money laundering or terrorist financing investigation is a criminal offence.

Trade Association Red Flags

Bring "Trade Association Red Flags" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Training and Competence

Training and Competence (T&C) forms an important part of UK regulations under the FCA.

Transferring Information Securely

Bring "Transferring Information Securely" training to life using animation characters and storylines.


Bring "Transport" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Treating Customers Fairly in Financial Services

Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) applies to firms in the financial services industry.

Treating Customers Fairly in Insurance

Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) applies to firms in the Insurance industry.

Tying and Bundling

Bring "Tying and Bundling" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias is the tendency to perceive people or events in a certain way when we make 'snap' decisions or assessments about them.

Unconscious Bias

Bring "Unconscious Bias" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Unconscious Bias for Managers

UK equality law defines nine protected characteristics, and if our bias results in discrimination based on these, it is illegal.

Understanding Bribery

Bring "Understanding Bribery" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest is where competing interests interfere with the exercising of judgement in a relationship.

Understanding ESG

Bring "Understanding ESG" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Facilitation Payments

Bring "Understanding Facilitation Payments" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Fraud

Bring "Understanding Fraud" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Harassment

Bring "Understanding Harassment" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Information Security

Bring "Understanding Information Security" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Inside Information

Bring "Understanding Inside Information" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Insider Trading

Bring "Understanding Insider Trading" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Intellectual Property

Bring "Understanding Intellectual Property" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Market Abuse

Bring "Understanding Market Abuse" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Modern Slavery

Bring "Understanding Modern Slavery" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Sanctions

Bring "Understanding Sanctions" e-learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Sexual Harassment

Bring "Understanding Sexual Harassment" online learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Tax Evasion

Bring "Understanding Tax Evasion" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding Terrorist Financing

Bring "Understanding Terrorist Financing" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Understanding the GDPR

Bring "Understanding the GDPR" online learning to life using animation characters and storylines.

Unexplained Wealth Orders

Bring "Unexplained Wealth Orders" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Unlawful Disclosure of Inside Information

Bring "Unlawful Disclosure of Inside Information" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Unwanted Behaviour of a Sexual Nature

Bring "Unwanted Behaviour of a Sexual Nature" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Using Wi-Fi safely

Bring "Using Wi-Fi safely" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Vertical Agreements

Bring "Vertical Agreements" training to life using animation characters and storylines.


Bring "Victimisation" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Video Conferencing

Bring "Video Conferencing" training to life using animation characters and storylines.


Bring "Vishing" training to life using animation characters and storylines.


Our Whistleblowing Training Course educates employees on reporting misconduct safely and ensures protection.


Whistleblowing in confidence or anonymously about internal malpractices and external threats is extremely important for the functioning and survival of any company.


Bring "Whistleblowing" online training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Whistleblowing for Managers

Whistleblowing refers to disclosing corrupt, illegal or fraudulent activities committed by organisations.

Whistleblowing in Financial Services

Our Whistleblowing Training Course educates employees on reporting misconduct safely and ensures protection.

Whistleblowing in Insurance

Our Whistleblowing Training Course educates employees on reporting misconduct safely and ensures protection.

Work Equipment

Bring "Work Equipment" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Working Remotely

Working remotely doesn't change workplace rights and responsibilities.

Working Safely

Awareness of health and safety procedures can prevent injuries and save lives.

Working Safely

Employees need to know how to protect their own health, safety and welfare as well as ensuring they don't cause harm to others.

Working Safely

Bring "Working Safely" training to life using animation characters and storylines.

Zero Trust Cybersecurity

Bring "Zero Trust Cybersecurity" online training to life using animation characters and storylines.

About our learning styles


This classification is for our longer e-learning courses. They include practice scenarios and typically last between 30 and 60 minutes.


These courses help reinforce your employees' knowledge and notify them of any updates they might not be aware of.


Our express training courses deliver employee learning in bite-sized chunks, typically lasting between 10 and 15 minutes.


These training modules are short animated videos that can be delivered as: standalone, embedded in standard-length e-learning courses, or compiled into a complete learning path.

Build confidence in your compliance

Browse some of our most popular learning topics and learn more about the solutions we offer.


Bribery prevention

Identify risks, avoid violations, and safeguard your business. Avoid potential huge fines and criminal proceedings with our bribery prevention training.

Learn more


Humans are often the weakness in cybersecurity. Get ahead of threats and breaches to ensure the security and privacy of your organisation’s data.  Discover more

Data protection

Master your data protection with our dedicated courses. Navigate the complexities of ever-changing regulations to maintain complete trust with your stakeholders. Get started


Build an inclusive workplace and empower your team to embrace respect, fairness, and opportunity. Foster a collaborative culture with our range of DEI courses. Learn more


Ensure your Digital Operational Resiliency Act (DORA) compliance with our dedicated courses. Our DORA training package gives users access to almost 40 courses on cybersecurity and risk management from our off-the-shelf course libraries. Learn more


Stay ahead in your corporate responsibility with our ESG training. Navigate environmental challenges and maintain strong governance with our comprehensive courses. Learn more

FCA Handbook

Simplify the complexity of FCA compliance. Our CPD-accredited courses break down the essentials of the FCA Handbook to ensure your team understands its obligations. Get started

Financial crime

Protect your business and respond to risks. Uphold your company’s reputation by training your team to understand financial crime and recognise the warning signs.  Learn more

Fraud prevention

Put a stop to fraud before it starts. Learn the telltale signs of fraud to minimise your company’s vulnerability and protect its bottom line. Discover more

Health and safety

Create a safe workplace for all. Learn to identify hazards and take proactive steps to prevent accidents. Prioritise employee wellbeing while meeting compliance regulations. Get started


Improve specialist insurance governance knowledge within your team. Facilitate your team to comply with regulations, handle policies, and meet customer needs. Learn more

Preventing harassment

Promote a respectful workplace and ensure compliance with the Worker Protection Act. Learn to fulfil your obligations as an employer with our harassment prevention training. Discover more

Risk management

Keep financial, operational and cybersecurity risks under control. Learn to identify, evaluate, and prevent business risks that span multiple topics. Get started


Since its introduction, the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) has been a key regulation for all banking, insurance, and financial services firms. Learn more