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First Aid Awareness

Regardless of whether an injury or illness has been caused by work, it is important that employees receive immediate support.

The purpose of first aid is to administer assistance to minimise the consequences of injury and illness until qualified medical help is available.

Our First Aid Awareness course will help you educate your staff on basic first aid awareness to ensure they react appropriately in case of a workplace incident.

  • 40 Minutes
  • All staff
  • Based on UK legislation, but suitable for global audiences upon the removal of UK-specific references and translation as necessary.

Learning objectives

  • Understand what first aid is
  • Identify the people in your Company who provide first aid in the event of an incident
  • Recognise the key risk factors that could lead to a first aid incident and how to prevent them
  • React appropriately to a first aid incident or any type of medical emergency

    What can you expect your employees to learn?

What is first aid?
First aiders and appointed persons
- First aid training and qualifications
Duties under the law
- Employer responsibilities
- Employee responsibilities
- Documentation
- You decide: Who's right?
Risk factors
- Reviewing our Company's first aid provision
- Scenario: The new hire
First aid equipment
First aid box contents
- Types of firsts aid kits
- Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- First aid rooms
What to do in an emergency
Calling for help
- Calling 999
- You decide: Major vs minor incidents
- Danger, response, airway, breathing and circulation (DRABC)
Gathering information
- Scenario: Chest pain

Does your company have…

Under 50 employees?

We recommend our CoreCompliance, our solution, perfect for smaller teams. Start your training immediately with pre-configured, ready-to-go courses.

Over 50 employees?

We have a range of flexible pricing plans to suit your unique needs. Choose from off-the-shelf course libraries or a customised, bespoke approach to reach your compliance learning goals.

Your questions, answered

How can I log and track work-related injuries, accidents and dangerous occurrences?

Our RIDDOR Registers allow you to securely record and track work-related injuries and dangerous occurrences, ensuring compliance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). This tool helps you monitor incidents, maintain an accurate audit trail, and take proactive steps to prevent future incidents.

How can I ensure my employees’ workstation setups comply with health and safety regulations?

Our DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Assessment tool helps you evaluate employees' workstation setups to ensure they meet health and safety standards. It guides employees through an easy-to-use self-assessment, identifying risks related to posture, screen positioning, and seating. Administrators can review flagged issues and take necessary actions to ensure compliance.

How can I measure and improve employee wellbeing in relation to health and safety?

Our Employee Wellbeing Survey helps you assess factors affecting employee health, including stress, mental wellbeing, and physical health. This anonymous survey provides valuable insights to inform wellbeing initiatives and create a healthier, more supportive work environment.

Are the courses SCORM-compliant?

Yes. This means they can be delivered via the Skillcast Portal or any other SCORM-compliant Learning Management System.

What other tools are needed beyond training?

A comprehensive compliance solution often needs more than just training. Alongside e-learning, tools like declarationssurveys, and registers that track compliance tasks are usually essential. Skillcast provides full support to help you set up these additional tools.

Can users only view the courses assigned to them?

No. All users can view all the courses in your Portal. Additionally, some of these courses may be mandatory, requiring completion by the given deadline.