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Mental Health at Work

Stress, anxiety and depression are serious health hazards in the workplace. They account for 51% of all new and longstanding cases of work-related ill-health.

According to the UK's Health and Safety Executive (HSE) statistics, 828 000 cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety were recored between 2019 and 2020, resulting in the loss of 17.9 million working days.

Our Mental Health at Work Online Course will help your employees spot the signs of stress, understand the causes of stress and how to combat it.

We also have a Managing Mental Health at Work course.

  • 15 Minutes
  • All staff
  • Based on UK legislation, but suitable for global audiences upon the removal of UK-specific references and translation as necessary.

Learning objectives

  • Appreciate the risks and consequences of work-related anxiety and stress
  • Identify signs of stress in yourself and others
  • Identify the typical causes of stress, anxiety and depression
  • Recognise what steps you can take to manage the risks of stress, anxiety and depression at work
  • Take appropriate action to prevent and manage stress, anxiety and depression

    What can you expect your employees to learn?


What are stress, anxiety & depression?

  • You decide: Causes of stress, anxiety & depression

What causes stress, anxiety & depression

  • Alistair's assignment
  • You decide: What are the causes of anxiety & stress?

What to watch out for

  • Scenario: Starting a conversation

Talking about anxiety, stress & depression

  • Best practice for dealing with work-related stress




Does your company have…

Under 50 employees?

We recommend our CoreCompliance, our solution, perfect for smaller teams. Start your training immediately with pre-configured, ready-to-go courses.

Over 50 employees?

We have a range of flexible pricing plans to suit your unique needs. Choose from off-the-shelf course libraries or a customised, bespoke approach to reach your compliance learning goals.

Your questions, answered

How can I log and track work-related injuries, accidents and dangerous occurrences?

Our RIDDOR Registers allow you to securely record and track work-related injuries and dangerous occurrences, ensuring compliance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). This tool helps you monitor incidents, maintain an accurate audit trail, and take proactive steps to prevent future incidents.

How can I ensure my employees’ workstation setups comply with health and safety regulations?

Our DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Assessment tool helps you evaluate employees' workstation setups to ensure they meet health and safety standards. It guides employees through an easy-to-use self-assessment, identifying risks related to posture, screen positioning, and seating. Administrators can review flagged issues and take necessary actions to ensure compliance.

How can I measure and improve employee wellbeing in relation to health and safety?

Our Employee Wellbeing Survey helps you assess factors affecting employee health, including stress, mental wellbeing, and physical health. This anonymous survey provides valuable insights to inform wellbeing initiatives and create a healthier, more supportive work environment.

Which courses are included in CoreCompliance?

All users get access to courses on popular compliance topics, such as: bribery, cybersecurity, equality, health and safety. In addition, you can get courses specific to your business sector.

There are over 150 courses included within the CoreCompliance package. The actual courses provided depend on the sector chosen for the subscription.

Are CoreCompliance courses only intended for use by those based in the UK?

Most of our courses are non-jurisdiction-specific and informed by global standards. However, some of them are specifically about UK law. We currently only recommend CoreCompliance outside the UK for courses on common standards. This includes Modern Slavery, Money Laundering, and Bribery.

Do the courses bookmark my progress?

Yes, all the courses have automatic bookmarking. If you close a course without completing it, you can return to where you left off or restart the course. However, if the course features a video, your progress through the video will not be bookmarked, and you'll need to start the video afresh upon your return.

What are in-depth courses?

Your subscription includes in-depth e-learning courses on bribery, money laundering, data protection, and equality. This is ideal for annual compliance training. Each course takes 30-45 minutes and provides comprehensive foundational knowledge. They can evidence that with a certificate and CPD points.

What are microlearning courses?

The CoreCompliance includes microlearning courses on most topics that you need for employee compliance training. These are typically 2-3 minutes long and illustrate the compliance topic using engaging visuals and storylines. For each course, employees can download a certificate evidencing their completion.

Can we use a Skillcast certificate to evidence training to regulators, courts, etc?

Yes, you can present a Skillcast certificate to evidence training. Skillcast can verify its validity, i.e., when and on which account the training was done, the time spent, etc. But of course, we can't prevent one person from sitting in place of another to do the training. That's up to the client company to ensure. Also, Skillcast is not an accredited certification body. Therefore, the certificates are only proof of training completion, not a legal document.

What is "mandatory training"?

All users in your account can see all the courses available for your business sector. You can set any of these courses as "mandatory training" for one or more users. Doing this assigns the courses to them with a deadline and sends them notification emails. If they don't complete the course within the deadline, they get reminder emails to complete the assignment.

How do I check my mandatory training?

The "Mandatory Training" box on the homepage shows the percentage of completed, incomplete, and overdue mandatory training. Select the box to access your incomplete mandatory training. The date (shown in the DD/MM/YYYY format) is your deadline for completing the course.

What is in my training record?

Your training record shows a list of the courses that you've started and completed. You can select each entry to see more details, such as your passing score and your certificate. You can access your training record by selecting "Certificates" at the top of the screen.

Can I get certificates for courses I've completed?

Yes, you can download a course completion certificate after you've completed a course. To do this, select "Certificates" at the top of your screen, and then choose the relevant course from the list of those that you've completed.

How do I update my details?

Select "My Profile" at the top of the screen to change your details.

Do I get a dashboard to manage my employees?

Yes, CoreCompliance provides you with an admin dashboard where you can manage and monitor your learners. It enables you to check whether your employees have completed the mandatory training you have assigned to them. You can also download a report showing the completed, pending or overdue assignments for all your users.

How do I start a subscription?

Subscribing to the CoreCompliance is easy. You are already registered for a trial. Select "Purchase" at the top of the screen and select the number of seats you need (you will need a seat for yourself). You can pay using a credit or debit card, which will be processed by Stripe.

Can I change the number of seats in my subscription?

Yes, you can upgrade your subscription to a higher number of seats at any point during your subscription. This will be at a pro-rata charge by selecting "Billing" at the top of the page. You can also reduce the number of seats at any point, but this change will take effect from the next renewal date.

Can I get monthly or annual subscriptions?

All subscriptions are on an annual basis. We don't offer monthly subscriptions.

Can I get an invoice for the subscription?

Yes, you will receive your invoice and payment receipt by email. After the purchase, you can also log in to Stripe to download your invoice and receipt.

How long do I have to wait to assign training after making the payment?

After your payment has been processed successfully, you and your employees will have immediate access to all the e-learning. You will need to add their names and email addresses to give them access.

How do I purchase more seats?

Your admin dashboard shows the number of seats you currently have available. You can purchase more seats at any point during your subscription. To do this, select "Billing" at the top of the page, allowing you to add more users to your Portal. You can have a maximum of 50 seats in total.

Can I reuse the seats of employees who have left my company?

Yes, you can free up seats by archiving users who have left your company and assigning them to others in your company.

Can I add more than 50 users to my subscription?

CoreCompliance is only available for up to 50 users. If you require more than 50 seats, you will need to upgrade to our Standard Plan. You can contact our Sales team via our website.

Can I get a refund if I terminate my subscription partway through the year?

Unfortunately, not. CoreCompliance subscriptions are for a whole year. If you terminate your subscription partway through the year, we will not renew it, but we can't give you any refunds.

Are the courses SCORM-compliant?

Yes. This means they can be delivered via the Skillcast Portal or any other SCORM-compliant Learning Management System.

What other tools are needed beyond training?

A comprehensive compliance solution often needs more than just training. Alongside e-learning, tools like declarationssurveys, and registers that track compliance tasks are usually essential. Skillcast provides full support to help you set up these additional tools.

Can users only view the courses assigned to them?

No. All users can view all the courses in your Portal. Additionally, some of these courses may be mandatory, requiring completion by the given deadline.