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Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II)

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) originally aimed to increase competition and integration in markets for financial instruments. After the financial crisis, it was evident that greater investor protection was needed.

The EU created MiFID II to broaden the scope to other financial instruments and trading venues. This extends to market participants and activities not previously regulated. Most of it is adopted into the FCA's Handbook.

Our Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) Course explains the new MiFID II rules and what is required to comply with these rules.

  • 45 Minutes
  • All staff
  • Based on UK legislation, but suitable for global audiences upon the removal of UK-specific references and translation as necessary.

Learning objectives

  • Identify the aims and objectives of MiFID II
  • Appreciate the measures being introduced to improve the governance regime, including product governance, remuneration, HFT, safeguarding client assets, trading and reporting obligations
  • Take appropriate action to protect and give value to investors in relation to the provision of information and advice, suitability assessments, inducements, research, etc
  • Maintain and keep appropriate records for financial transactions in line with regulatory requirements

    What can you expect your employees to learn?


What is MiFID II?

  • Why is it important for you?

Client categorisation

Conflicts of interest


  • You make the call: What are the rules on the inducements?


  • RPA restrictions


Product governance

  • What this means for product manufacturers
  • What this means for product distributors
  • What do you think: FCA intervention
  • You make the call: Product governance rules

Suitability & complex products

  • Appropriateness
  • You make the call: Suitability & appropriateness tests
  • Equivalent tests
  • The rules on switching

Information disclosure to clients

  • Scenario: Eva provides information

Investment advice

  • Investment advice
  • You make the call: Is it a personal recommendation or not?

Safeguarding of client assets

  • You make the call: Is it a breach or not?

Best execution

Trading obligations

Transaction reporting

  • Scenario: The rules on transaction reporting

Publication requirements for investment firms

  • Publication requirements for liquidity providers
  • You make the call: Delivering the best possible result for clients

Commodities and derivatives

High frequency algorithmic trading (HFAT) & direct electronic access

  • Systems & controls for HFT & direct electronic access
  • You make the call: The rules on HFT & direct electronic access

Market structure - systematic internaliser


Record keeping

  • You make the call: Record keeping rules



Does your company have…

Under 50 employees?

We recommend our CoreCompliance, our solution, perfect for smaller teams. Start your training immediately with pre-configured, ready-to-go courses.

Over 50 employees?

We have a range of flexible pricing plans to suit your unique needs. Choose from off-the-shelf course libraries or a customised, bespoke approach to reach your compliance learning goals.

Your questions, answered

How can I log and track incidents of financial crime in my organisation?

Our Compliance Breach Register allows you to securely log and monitor incidents of financial crime, such as bribery or money laundering. The tool enables you to track resolution progress and maintain a clear audit trail, ensuring accountability and compliance with regulatory requirements.

How can I ensure my employees understand and comply with our internal policies in relation to financial crime?

Our Policy Hub enables you to distribute policies such as your Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policy to employees, track acknowledgements, and send automated reminders. This ensures everyone understands their obligations and helps you maintain compliance with financial crime regulations.

Are the courses SCORM-compliant?

Yes. This means they can be delivered via the Skillcast Portal or any other SCORM-compliant Learning Management System.

What other tools are needed beyond training?

A comprehensive compliance solution often needs more than just training. Alongside e-learning, tools like declarationssurveys, and registers that track compliance tasks are usually essential. Skillcast provides full support to help you set up these additional tools.

Can users only view the courses assigned to them?

No. All users can view all the courses in your Portal. Additionally, some of these courses may be mandatory, requiring completion by the given deadline.