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Protect your business from the increasing threats to financial services

Compliance is a cornerstone of trust in the financial services industry. Ensure the delivery of consistent training to meet the FCA’s expectations, avoid financial crime, and foster a culture of integrity and accountability.
The [Skillcast] team is exceptionally responsive, capable, and committed to excellence. They will try new things, and the extremely customisable system means they’re often delivering things way beyond what we originally expected or had set out to achieve.

Talent Development Business Partner,
Kentro Capital


Turn your compliance challenges into successes

Build confidence in your compliance efforts. With Skillcast, you’ll benefit from regularly updated learning materials that provide engaging training to upskill your teams.

Available in various delivery formats and centralised within the Skillcast portal, our financial services compliance training packages offer digestible education on anti-bribery, financial crime, FCA compliance, and more.

View our financial crime training package
Learn about the Skillcast Portal

Why choose Skillcast?

Boost employee engagement

Employee buy-in is crucial to the success of compliance initiatives. When you choose CoreCompliance, your learners will benefit from 150+ e-learning courses delivered in engaging formats to ease learning. With CoreCompliance, you’ll ensure your learners have access to the necessary tools to upskill in key compliance areas.

Simplify complex requirements

Compliance can be daunting, especially when you’re a small business. Changing regulations can feel like you’re aiming at a moving target, but our regularly updated training modules break down modern compliance legislation, making it straightforward to improve compliance knowledge across various topics.

Ensure training consistency

Maintaining a high standard of training across multiple topics, teams, and locations can be challenging. With our learning management system (LMS), you can ensure consistent training delivery and track learner progress from a central location.

Measure training effectiveness

Effective compliance goes further than just course completion rates. With Skillcast, you can track knowledge retention and improvements with assessments, and top up learning over time with refresher courses. Plus, tracking tools help you demonstrate to regulators that training and monitoring are in place, as well as the effectiveness of your training.

Overcome cultural resistance

Our solutions help you turn compliance learning from a ‘box-ticking exercise’ into an engaging, enjoyable experience for your employees. Focusing on ethical decision-making and the practical benefits of compliance, our e-learning courses help you foster a culture of accountability and integrity throughout your organisation.

Benefit from the Skillcast service

Our courses are much more than just learning materials. Our e-learning packages feature a comprehensive LMS, diagnostic assessments, and training records and certificates to evidence compliance. Plus, our record speaks for itself — we’ve proudly earned the Feefo Platinum Service Award five years in a row.

Reduce business risk with our financial services training packages

Financial Crime Prevention

There are two kinds of financial crime.

Good Outcomes for Vulnerable Customers

Companies have a legal obligation to identify the signs of vulnerability and ensure that vulnerable individuals are treated fairly.

Overview of the Consumer Duty

The FCA's Consumer Duty is a new standard which addresses the conduct of firms.

Meeting the Conduct Rules in FCA Solo Regulated Firms

The Conduct Rules are a fundamental aspect of the SMCR.

Whistleblowing in Financial Services

Our Whistleblowing Training Course educates employees on reporting misconduct safely and ensures protection.

Meeting the Conduct Rules in Dual Regulated Firms

The Conduct Rules are a fundamental aspect of the SMCR.

Complaints Handling in Financial Services

The FCA has identified that the number of complaints submitted in the financial services sector has increased year on year in recent times in the UK.

Introduction to the Consumer Duty

The FCA's Consumer Duty is a new standard which addresses the conduct of firms.

Treating Customers Fairly in Financial Services

Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) applies to firms in the financial services industry.

Personal Conflicts of Interest

The FCA states that a firm must manage conflicts of interest between itself and its customers or other clients.

Conduct Risk

The FCA focuses on good customer outcomes and how a firm achieves this through staff conduct at all levels of the business.

Introduction to UK Financial Regulation

NEDs are an important part of a firm's governance and provide independence and oversight.

Financial Crime Prevention

There are two kinds of financial crime.

Operational Resilience

The FCA has made operational resilience a requirement for banks, building societies, PRA-designated investment firms, enhanced scope firms and other financial institutions.

CASS Overview

The FCA's Client Assets Sourcebook (CASS) supports Principle 10 of the FCA's Principles for Businesses.

Conflicts of Interest in Asset Management

The FCA outlines its expectations that asset management firms establish and maintain an effective framework to identify, control and review conflicts of interest.

MCOB - General Standards

The Mortgage Conduct of Business (MCOB) for General Standards applies to all firms that deal with home finance.

Principles for Businesses

The FCA's Principles for Businesses apply to all financial services firms in the UK regulatory system.

Ethical Standards in Finance and Investment

The FCA's ethical standards apply to individuals in finance and investment.

BCOBS - General Standards

The FCA Banking Conduct of Business Sourcebook (BCOBS) applies to all firms that accept deposits from banking customers in the UK.

Training and Competence

Training and Competence (T&C) forms an important part of UK regulations under the FCA.

Overview of SM&CR for FCA Solo Firms

Our SMCR Overview training course will help your employees understand the key steps needed to comply with the regime.

COBS - Client Communications and Financial Promotions

The Conduct of Business Sourcebook (COBS) applies to financial firms in the UK that deal with client investments.

CONC - Consumer Credit Regulations

The FCA's Consumer Credit sourcebook (CONC) applies to all firms engaged in credit-related regulatory activities in the UK.

Introduction to SMCR

The UK's financial services sector has been rocked over the past decade by scandals ranging from misselling to market manipulation.

COBS - Client Categorisation

The Conduct of Business Sourcebook (COBS) applies to financial firms in the UK that deal with client investments.

Payment Services Regulations

The Payment Services Regulations (PSRs) 2017 was introduced in 2018 and set the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) in motion.

Whistleblowing for Managers

Whistleblowing refers to disclosing corrupt, illegal or fraudulent activities committed by organisations.

Appropriate Use of Communication Channels

Not all communication channels are appropriate for business purposes.

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II)

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) originally aimed to increase competition and integration in markets for financial instruments.

COBS - Dealing and Managing

The FCA Conduct of Business Sourcebook (COBS) applies to financial firms in the UK.

Information Barriers

The flow of information in financial firms needs monitoring between businesses involved with private and public side activities.

Senior Management Arrangements Systems and Controls

The Senior Management Arrangements Systems and Controls (SYSC) Sourcebook apply to authorised financial services firms.

Conduct Rules for Senior Managers at Dual Regulated Firms

Under the Senior Managers Regime, all senior managers must comply with the FCA's six Individual Conduct Rules (ICRs) and four Senior Managers Rules (SMRs).

MCOB - APRC, Shortfalls and Charges

The Mortgage Conduct of Business (MCOB) for the Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APRC), shortfalls, and charges apply to home finance businesses.

FSCS Deposit Protection

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) safeguards customers' finances.

Complaints Handling for Managers

One of the three operational objections of the FCA is to protect consumers.

Overview of SM&CR for Dual Regulated Firms

Our SMCR Overview training course will help your employees understand the key steps needed to comply with the regime.

Fit and Proper Assessments

In order to perform a Senior Management Function (SMF), Senior Managers need to be approved by the FCA and, for dual regulated firms, the PRA.

SMCR & Non-financial Misconduct

Non-financial misconduct is behaviour that is unrelated to regulated activities, including serious offences such as harassment, bullying, sexual discrimination and sexual misconduct The FCA has indicated it is prepared to consider non-financial misconduct when assessing fitness and propriety.

Conduct Rules for Senior Managers at FCA Solo Firms

Under the Senior Managers Regime, all senior managers must comply with the FCA's six Individual Conduct Rules (ICRs) and four Senior Managers Rules (SMRs).

Financial Crime Prevention (Commercial Insurance)

There are two kinds of financial crime.


Your platform for compliance success

Benefit from a fully equipped learning platform to support your training delivery. With the Skillcast Portal, you’ll have the tools to handle e-learning and policy management, staff disclosures, compliance registers, events, and more — all in one place. Or, if you’d prefer to use your existing LMS, you can host our course content on your current platform. Learn more about the Skillcast Portal or discuss your options with an expert by booking a demo. 

Discover the Skillcast Portal
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Let’s find the best option for you

Does your company have…

Under 50 employees?

We recommend our CoreCompliance, our solution, perfect for smaller teams. Start your training immediately with pre-configured, ready-to-go courses.

Over 50 employees?

We have a range of flexible pricing plans to suit your unique needs. Choose from off-the-shelf course libraries or a customised, bespoke approach to reach your compliance learning goals.

With Skillcast, Kentro Capital increased its L&D activities by 313%

Your questions, answered

Are the courses SCORM-compliant?

Yes. This means they can be delivered via the Skillcast Portal or any other SCORM-compliant Learning Management System.

What other tools are needed beyond training?

A comprehensive compliance solution often needs more than just training. Alongside e-learning, tools like declarationssurveys, and registers that track compliance tasks are usually essential. Skillcast provides full support to help you set up these additional tools.

Can users only view the courses assigned to them?

No. All users can view all the courses in your Portal. Additionally, some of these courses may be mandatory, requiring completion by the given deadline.

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Financial Crime AML and CTF

The Biggest AML Fines | Annual Report | Skillcast

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Explore the biggest AML fines of each year from 2020 onwards with our comprehensive report. Updated each year with the most recent anti-money laundering data.

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Business Skills

10 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills | Skillcast

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Saving time saves your company money & increases revenue. Employees with good time management skills are more productive & more likely to meet deadlines.

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What ISO 14001 is & How it Helps ESG | Skillcast

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We are committed to protecting the environment. That's why we value ISO 14001 certification, which we have maintained consistently since 2010.

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