ICOBS - General Matters Course

The Insurance Conduct of Business Sourcebook (ICOBS) for general matters applies to all firms engaged in the insurance business. The rules are made up of two levels: high-level and business standards.

The high-level standards apply to all financial firms and include Principles for Business (PRIN) and Systems and Controls (SYSC). Business standards are applicable to industry sectors or issues such as COBS for investment business and ICOBS for insurance business.

Our ICOBS for General Matters Course explains the FCA's general conduct of business rules for the insurance market.

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ICOBS General Matters

About this Course

This SCORM-compatible course is part of our FCA Compliance Library.

The library is available in the Skillcast Standard plan for larger companies or Skillcast Basic plan for those with under 50 learners.

Learning Objectives

This course will prepare your employees to:

  • Recognise what ICOBS is and whom it applies to
  • Know how to categorise customers
  • Understand what is meant by clear, fair and not misleading
  • Understand the prohibitions against inducements and exclusion of liability

Latest Course Updates

  • Course redesigned with a more modern feel
  • Full review conducted by an FCA expert
  • Text & image updates throughout the course

Course outline


What is ICOBS - General Matters?

Overview of ICOBS

Customer categorisation

- Exercise: Customer classification

Clear, fair and not misleading


- Exercise: Inducements


Exclusion of liability & reliance on others

- Exercise: Liability & reliance




Course Specifications



Approximately 15-minute long e-learning course followed by a 10-question assessment.



Suitable for all staff - examples and interactivities designed for staff at all levels. No previous knowledge or experience is required.



SHARD-compliant, responsive display on all devices, accessibility on screen readers, visual design controlled via a client style sheet.



All Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, Android (Flash-free for mobile compatibility). AICC and SCORM 1.2-compliant, suitable for both hosted and deployed SCORM or AICC.



Fully customisable on Skillcast Portal CMS.



Pre-translated versions not available, but all text content can be exported for translation into all languages.



Based on UK legislation, but suitable for global audiences upon the removal of UK-specific references and translation as necessary.

FCA Courses Library

Our FCA Course library of over 60 training modules covers everything from high-level and conduct of business standards to thematic topics, including treating customers fairly.

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FCA Courses Library