Market-leading UK manufacturer Rotork collaborated with Skillcast to create tailored anti-bribery training in 13 languages.
Rotork partnered with Skillcast to develop their global E-learning solutions. Their initial focus was introducing Anti-Bribery training to all staff across their international locations.
Skillcast were able to offer their off-the-shelf course on Bribery Prevention which was then tailored to reflect the specific requirement of the business.
The course was translated into 13 languages to meet the needs of the workforce in Europe, The Americas, and South East Asia.
The content was delivered on the Skillcast Portal LMS. This was branded to reflect the Rotork corporate image and included a welcome message from their Global Learning Manager, Lisa de Claite Ross:
"We recognise that for Rotork to be successful, we need highly trained and motivated employees. We are committed to investing in our people and encouraging internal development. This new portal is just one of the exciting Learning & Development initiatives that will support you in your personal and professional development here at Rotork."
Remember Aristotle - "What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing."
Building on the success of the Bribery Prevention course and the service provided by Skillcast, Rotork elected to increase its learning provision by adopting the Skillcast Essential Library, which provides over 40 courses in topics such as Data Protection, Equality and Diversity, Cyber Security and all the other courses a global company needs to ensure their workforce are well informed and compliant with regulations. They also chose to use our library of soft skills courses to cover subjects including Conducting Effective Meetings and Coaching.
All the courses in the libraries are designed to be edited, and while most clients ask Skillcast to carry out the changes, Rotork took a much more hands-on approach. Skillcast were able to work with the eLearning team to provide training and support to help them tailor the courses in-house to reflect the needs of the business.
In addition to tailoring the off-the-shelf offering from Skillcast, Rotork used the Authoring Tool within the Skillcast Portal to create content in-house to support some of the technical training required by their skilled workforce.
Skillcast is proud to continue to support and help grow the great learning initiatives that are being developed by Lisa and the team at Rotork.
Want to learn more about anti-bribery compliance?
We have created a comprehensive bribery & corruption roadmap to help you navigate the compliance landscape, supported by several financial crime prevention courses in our Compliance Essentials Library.
We also have 100+ free compliance training aids, including assessments, best practice guides, checklists, desk aids, eBooks, games, posters, training presentations and even e-learning modules!
Finally, the SkillcastConnect community provides a unique opportunity to network with other compliance professionals in a vendor-free environment, priority access to our free online learning portal and other exclusive benefits.
Written by: Simon Truckle
As Director of Learning Solutions at Skillcast, I am responsible for ensuring that our partners achieve the best return on their e-learning investment. I help our clients navigate every stage of the learning development process, from risk assessment through to audit, while personalising the approach to the needs of their organisation. Before Skillcast I was Head of eLearning at both Barclays Wealth and Gerard Asset Management, responsible for delivering hundreds of courses to thousands of employees.