Free Information Security Training Presentation

Duration: 20 minutes | Format: Editable PPT/PDF

Every day we generate and consume huge amounts of information, much of which is of great value to businesses.

However, if data is lost, stolen or security is breached, the consequences can be devastating.

To reduce the risk for your business, it is imperative that you encourage your employees to take extra care to safeguard confidential information.

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Information Security Training Presentation

How this training will help...

Our 20 minute interactive PowerPoint presentation is designed to do just that. As well as explaining the impact that lost data would have on your company, it also describes the risks and consequences of losing data, giving a range of examples of when it all goes wrong.

Learning Objectives

  • Why data security is so important
  • The different types of information that needs to be covered
  • Classifying information
  • Information security in practice

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