Consent is one of six lawful bases for collecting and processing personal data in the UK and the EU. This is the base that gives individuals real choice and control over their data.
By law, companies need to keep records of every consent they obtain, and these consents need to be reviewed regularly. This ensures that they are still valid since an individual has the right to withdraw their consent.
Our bite-sized GDPR and Consent training video helps employees recognise what constitutes consent according to GDPR in under 3 minutes!
By watching our engaging animated microlearning, staff learn the key elements and then prove they understand them with a quick quiz.
This free version doesn't provide a certificate of completion.
Compliance Bites microlearning are short videos that bring specific compliance topics to life in just a few minutes using animation, characters and storylines.
The objective of each video is to engage and inform your employees about the topic, not provide an in-depth study. This makes them more appealing to your employees and improves the uptake of compliance training.
Our Compliance Bites Library contains over 100 animations covering topics such as insider trading, special category data, tipping off and whistleblowing.