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Skillcast at Learning Live

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Product News & Events Gamification
Last updated: March 20, 2025

Skillcast attended Learning Live 2019 which brought together over 500 learning leaders for two days of facilitated group activities and networking tackling the challenges of workplace learning.

Uniquely, the agenda is crowd sourced, meaning that it's guaranteed to be relevant to all who attend. The event doesn’t just describe the current challenges in L&D, it gives you practical solutions to use in your workplace.

"What a great couple of days – met some great people and learnt a few things that I’m going to apply as soon as I get back to work"
Head of Learning & Capability, TalkTalk

Case Study - How training helped Royal Mail Group establish a stronger compliance culture

It was inspiring to hear Angelika Flamm, Group Compliance Director of Royal Mail Group, lead a session at Learning Live 2019 about how compliance learning has led to a cultural compliance evolution within her organisation.

She shared her vision with the captive audience, as she outlined how organisational practises have improved, training has been embraced and a positive culture around compliance has formed.

Royal Mail, a client of Skillcast for almost five years, needed to build a culture and greater understanding from the grass roots. In 2013 they received a significant fine for anti-competitive activity within their French subsidiary.

In response, the group set about finding a partner to help them educate and inspire all staff across Europe. Their aims were to foster and grow employee understanding and competence, whilst finding a better way to manage risk and offering guidance and support to those staff that are exposed to the highest risks.

Within a short period, Royal Mail and Skillcast collaborated to create an online compliance environment containing not only learning but tools, registers and support to build organisational understanding.

The new compliance Learning Management System complements that used by L&D, delivering greater insight into strengths and weaknesses as well as providing key tools from registers of gifts, hospitality and key risks to a policy hub.

Over four years e-learning at Royal Mail evolved into an adaptive and gamified solution, supported by offline initiatives including voluntary games, Leading with Integrity Week an academy and numerous fundraising initiatives.

The partnership between Royal Mail and Skillcast won a Learning Technologies Silver Award.

The success of the project was driven by the passion of Royal Mail to create a true culture of positive compliance supported by Skillcast’s innovative technology and solutions.

Skillcast Workplace Learning Game

Throughout the event Skillcast ran a competitive game about workplace learning theory.  Those who scored high enough won an "I ❤ Learning" t-shirt. It was tremendously popular, and you can still win a T-shirt by requesting an invite to play the game on your desktop or mobile device.


Gaming is incredibly useful to organisations like Royal Mail to help identify strengths and weaknesses, offering a clear focus for future initiatives.

Want to find out more about Serious Games?

Serious games have been proven to drive behavioural change and improve knowledge retention. A quiz is just one example of a kind of a serious game, and can be a great asset to support compliance e-learning. Most people love a quiz. They make people think and add an element of competition, which drives up motivation levels.

At a recent event in London, Simon Truckle explained that the real benefit of quizzes is how easy it is to track an employee’s progress. You can hear what Simon had to say in the video below.

What is gamified learning?

Gamified learning has helped many of our customers to identify strengths, weaknesses and a clear focus for future initiatives. If you'd like to learn more, we have a series of gamification blogs, case studies explaining how we helped Barclays, Société Générale and Royal Mail or and a gaming hub where you can try out one of our themed games.

Skillcast games present your employees with challenging propositions in a realistic context. Learners accept or reject each proposition with a click or swipe, losing lives for each incorrect answer and completing the game within a time limit. They are a fun and engaging learning tool with a serious purpose.

How games improve learning outcomes

  • Driving behavioural change
  • Boosting knowledge retention
  • Improving employee assessments
  • Highlighting competency gaps

Isn't it time you added gamified learning to your compliance learning toolkit?

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