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Learning Influencers to Follow in 2022

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Learning Strategy
Learning Influencers to Follow in 2022
Last updated: December 19, 2024

Not all influencers are created equal. Here's our pick of the best thought leaders in learning theory, practice and implementation for you to follow in 2022.

The list is diverse, with experts from talent development and instructional design to learning technology. That's why there's no particular order - it's impossible to rank them, really.

Please let us know if you think we have missed anyone from our list!

Cathy Moore

LinkedIn - Cathy Moore


Cathy Moore's Blog


We'll start with Cathy Moore - who, when she was working with Skillcast, developed some amazing e-learning for some of the top global firms.

Nowadays she is an internationally recognised training designer and presenter, who's a champion of "saving the world from boring design". She is a regular speaker at international conferences, and her advice and design ideas are embraced by major corporations.

Cathy is an author and created the acclaimed action-mapping model, which still informs our own e-learning design. Follow her blog to learn about what's new in training design.

Josh Bersin

LinkedIn - Josh Bersin


Josh Bersin's Blog


Josh Bersin is an HR, learning and talent analyst who founded the eponymous and highly influential firm Bersin, now Bersin by Deloitte. He also runs the Bersin Academy, which is aimed at helping organisations drive business performance.

He is a well-known research analyst, and speaker who helps HR and learning companies align their services to the needs of corporate buyers. Read his blog for insights on HR, talent management, leadership and technology.

Donald H Taylor

LinkedIn - Donald H Taylor


Donald Taylor is a veteran of the learning, skills and human capital industries and a recognised commentator and speaker on learning and learning technologies.

Since 2010, Donald has chaired the Learning and Performance Institute, a global body for L&D professionals and chairs Learning Technologies, one of Europe's biggest learning exhibitions and conferences.

He is the author of numerous books and regularly contributes to numerous training journals and magazines. Follow his blog for the latest on his annual learning surveys and keynote conference appearances.

Christopher Pappas

LinkedIn - Christopher Pappas


Christopher Pappas's Blog


Christopher Pappas is an eLearning blogger and analyst, better known as the founder and CEO of Elearning Industry, one of the biggest platforms dedicated to all things eLearning, jam-packed with articles, trends, good practice, free resources, platform reviews and directories for all your L&D needs.

Pappas's life's work (his words, not ours) is to democratise the sector and make knowledge accessible to everyone. Find out how at Elearning Industry.

Christopher Pappas Feedback

Elliott Masie

LinkedIn - Elliott Masie


Elliott Masie's Blog


For over 25 years, Elliott Masie has hosted and curated many learning and development conferences and seminars and is widely acknowledged to be the first analyst to use the term e-learning.

He is the founder of the annual Learning conference, leader of Learning Consortium - a coalition of 200+ global companies, and the editor of Learning Trends. Elliott has written over ten books, is an international speaker, and has served as an adviser to government and non-profits. Oh, and he is also a producer of Broadway shows.

Visit the Masie Center site to learn how his NY-based think tank helps organisations support learning and knowledge.

Laura Overton

LinkedIn - Laura Overton


Laura Overton's Blog


Laura Overton is an award-winning learning analyst and was the founder and CEO of Towards Maturity, a learning analyst service and community which brings together global learning professionals to provide comprehensive research on workplace learning and the latest trends to drive change in the industry.

Laura has authored over 70 major research reports and written over 300 articles. She regularly shares best practices via her masterclasses and webinars. Among numerous awards, Laura was named the most influential person in corporate eLearning and voted the #1 mover and shaker in the global e-learning industry.

Colin Steed

LinkedIn - Colin Steed


Colin Steed has over 45 years of experience in L&D and publishing. He was a co-founder of the Learning and Performance Institute.

He then created the prestigious Learning Awards, the popular Learning Live event and the Learning Directors Network. Find out the latest from the world of L&D by watching his free monthly Learning Now TV show

Donald Clark

LinkedIn - Donald Clark



Donald Clark is an EdTech entrepreneur, a well-known blogger and a researcher with over 30 years of experience in the online learning business and learning technologies, and has designed and delivered learning programmes for many global organisations.

He is involved in research into AI in Learning with a book currently in production. As an award-winning speaker, he has delivered keynotes worldwide, including Ted Talks

Craig Weiss

LinkedIn - Craig Weiss


Craig Weiss is the CEO and lead analyst of the Craig Weiss Group. He is widely recognised as one of the most influential experts in the world of learning systems.

In addition to writing the Elearning 24/7 blog, he contributes to numerous publications (including ASTD's Learning Circuits and Training and Development in Australia). He has been a keynote speaker at many international conferences.

Find reviews of Learning Management Systems on his site

John Leh

LinkedIn - John Leh


John Leh's Blog


John Leh is CEO and lead analyst at Talented Learning, an independent research consultancy which offers advice to learning technology decision-makers.

Named among the learning industry's top 20 global movers and shakers for two years running, John is a passionate LMS analyst, blogger and advisor with over 20 years of experience and has helped over 100 organisations implement learning technology strategies.


Jane Hart

LinkedIn - Jane Hart


Jane Hart is an author, speaker and founder of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies, one of the leading websites for learning trends, technologies and tools.

With over 25 years of experience, she has received many awards (including from the Learning & Performance Institute and Association for Talent Development) and champions continuous learning. She regularly features on influential lists, including the top 10 global movers and shakers in 2018.

Charles Jennings

LinkedIn - Charles Jennings



Charles Jennings is co-founder of the 70:20:10 Institute, which works with global organisations to help them exploit the potential of the 70:20:10 model and align L&D objectives with organisational performance.

He is a prominent thought leader in L&D and performance, speaker, writer and blogger, and also a member of the Internet Time Alliance.

Nigel Paine

LinkedIn - Nigel Paine


Nigel Paine, former head of the BBC's Learning and Development operation, has extensive experience in leadership, learning technologies, and creativity, having been involved in corporate learning for over 20 years.

He has published eight books, written and edited over 100 articles, hosted workshops and delivered keynote speeches at international conferences.

Nigel is a regular presenter of Learning Now TV, a free monthly L&D programme. Listen to his weekly podcast- From Scratch, for lively discussions on the latest in L&D.

Robin Hoyle

LinkedIn - Robin Hoyle


Robin Hoyle is the Head of Learning Innovation at Huthwaite International, a writer, learning strategist, broadcaster and blogger with over 30 years of experience in L&D.

Robin has created award-winning learning programmes for global businesses and has written numerous books and articles. He chairs the popular World of Learning event and regularly contributes to Learning Now TV

Jane Bozarth

LinkedIn - Jane Bozarth



Jane Bozarth is the director of research for the eLearning Guild, one of the oldest communities of eLearning professionals packed with resources, ideas, and research - everything you need to help create better eLearning.

Jane is an award-winning speaker at international learning events (such as DevLearn) and the author of several books. She is also a blogger and contributor to Learning Solutions Magazine. Join her weekly learning moderated chat on Twitter by following #lrnchat.

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To help you navigate the compliance landscape we have collated searchable glossaries of key terms and definitions across complex topics including GDPR, Equality, Financial Crime and SMCR. We also track the biggest compliance fines, explaining what drives them and how to avoid them.

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Last but not least, we have 60+ free compliance training aids, including assessments, best practice guides, checklists, desk-aids, eBooks, games, handouts, posters, training presentations and even e-learning modules!

If you've any questions or concerns about compliance or e-learning, please get in touch.

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