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How To Protect Personal Data When Using Social Media | Skillcast

Written by Lynne Callister | 28 Mar 2018

Social media companies are being urged to do more to protect users' personal data following the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Yet, while Facebook is stealing all the headlines right now, it's not the only social media platform that's free to use, provided you're willing to trade off your personal data. Aside from joining the #deletefacebook clamour, what more can you do to protect your personal data?

Tips to protect your personal data when using social media

  1. Check and recheck your privacy settings - limit all data sharing to a minimum
  2. Only 'friend' people you know and trust - in the Facebook breach, this didn't make much difference but generally, the smaller your network, the smaller the risk
  3. It's boring, sure, but force yourself to read platform and app terms and conditions before signing up - know what you're giving up in return (trading personal data is usually non-negotiable but, shockingly, many demand you sign away your IP rights too)
  4. Only download apps from trusted or legitimate sites - there are no guarantees, but it's a good starting point
  5. Insist on Facebook tag reviews - so everyone needs to get your approval before you can be tagged in a photo
  6. Exercise your right of access - you can download the data that currently Facebook holds on you by clicking the download button on the General Account Settings tab
  7. Be cautious before using any app that lets you sign in with your Facebook ID - do you know what permissions have been granted to this third party?
  8. Check your preferences - to prevent everyone being able to look up your email and contact details on social media platforms
  9. Use ad blockers to block unwanted advertising
  10. Check what location data and personal data permissions you're giving other apps on your smartphone or tablet
  11. Vote with your feet - if a platform doesn't guarantee the privacy level you want, leave

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